From Banyak Islands - Ketambe - Friendship Guesthouse - Stay & Jungle Trekking

NEWS: 19 JAN 2025 - Friendship Guesthouse Ketambe Online Visa on Arrival - 30 Days - 500,000 IDR NEW: Swimming Pool for kids All bungalows have mosquito nets and a fan WiFi available in the restaurant, it works via 4G Webpages designed by Uwe Richter, Hamburg, GE +++++ End of NEWS +++++ Restart +++++

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Travel from Banyak Islands to Ketambe
From Pulau Banyak to Ketambe
If you want to leave Pulau Banyak usually you  go first with a local  boat from one of the  islands with accommodation (Tuangku/Haloban,  Tailana, Bangkaru, Palembak) to the main island Pulau Balai. From there you need to go to Singkil by the car ferry or by a local passenger  boat. From Singkil there is a shared taxi  direct to Kutacane.  There are minibuses in the direction of Kutacane, but you need to changei n between. The last 30 km from Kutacane to  Ketambe goes by local transport with Labi Labi.              

 1. Local boat from your guesthouse to Pulau Balai - 1 to 2 hour
 2. Car ferry or passenger boat from Pulau Balai to Singkil - 3.5 to 4 hours
 3. Shared taxi or minibus from Singkil to Kutacane via Subulussalam - 9 to 10 hours
 4. Labi Labi from Kutacane to Ketambe - 1:00 hour

Map - From Pulau Banyak to Ketambe

1. Local boat from your guesthouse to Pulau Balai
Before you can travel by minibus or shared taxi on the road to Ketambe  you need to reach the mainland Sumatra in Singkil. Therefore you have to  go first to the main island of Pulau Banyak - Pulau Balai.
Please organize this boat ride with your guesthouse. They  know which time you need to start from the guesthouse to reach the big  car ferry or the passenger boat from Pulau Balai to Singkil in time.

Local boat to Pulau Balai

2. Car ferry or passenger boat from Pulau Balai to Singkil
From Pulau Balai  the car ferry (see pictures right or below) departs only  3 times  weekly. The schedule changes quite often. Thats why its best you ask at  your gusthouse or local people. Mostly the ferry starts between  10 and  11 AM and it takes 3.5 hours to reach Singkil harbour.
Another possiblity, especially on the days where no car  ferry departs, is the daily passenger boat (see pictures right or below). There is no schedule for this  boat. Usually it goes when there are enough passengers. It departs   before midday and the travel time to Sinkgkil is 4 hours.
Usually you will arrive in Singkil with the car ferry or with the passenger boat in the afternoon.

Car Ferry between Pulau Bali and Singkil

Car Ferry - Arrival

Car Ferry - Inside

Passenger boat between Pulau Bali and Singkil

Not much space on a passenger boat

3. Minibus or shared public taxi from Singkil to Kutacane
After arrival at Singkil harbour you can go direct to the bus station. Its a short ride with a moto-rickshaw.
There is at least one company which has a shared taxi direct  to Kutacane. It departs when there are enough passengers. It can be happen that you need to wait few hours. The shared taxi goes overnight and it takes about 9 to 10 hours to reach Kutacane in the morning.
There are also infrequent minibuses on the same route during day, but you need to change in Sidikalang or Subulussalam and Tigabinanga.
4. From Kutacane to Ketambe
The distance from Kutacane city to Ketambe is about 30 km. There are frequent mobil or Labi Labi (local transport - see picture beside/below), leaving from a small place near the old market opposite the Telkom office. You can ask the minibus driver to drop you off at this place.
Labi Labi start when full about every 30 minutes. The first Labi Labi departs about 7 AM, the last transport will leave from Kutacane about 5:30 PM. Normal price is 20,000 IDR, but sometimes drivers ask a little more from foreign tourists. The Labi Labi stops everywhere on the way to pick up or drop off passengers. This is the reason that it can take up to 60 minutes to the last stop Ketambe. Please ask the driver to drop you off at Friendship Guesthouse.               

Labi Labi

Currency Exchange Rate
Update: 19 JANUARY 2025

16,700 IDR
16,300 IDR
19,800 IDR
10,100 IDR
Ketambe Jungle Trekking & Tours
©  Friendship Guesthouse and Restaurant Ketambe 2007 - 2025
©  Friendship Guesthouse and Restaurant Ketambe 2007 - 2024
©  Friendship Guesthouse and Restaurant Ketambe 2007 - 2024
©  Friendship Guesthouse and Restaurant Ketambe 2007 - 2024
Friendship Guesthouse
Jalan Belangkejeren km 32
Ketambe - Kutacane  24652
Aceh Tengara - INDONESIA
Muhammad Badaruddin
+62 853 5966 4110
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